Precision Management Institute

Team Building
Together Each Achieves More

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BlueBlockBig Team Building
          Building A Foundation of Success


Tools & Resources

BlueBlockSm "Building Team Cohesion: Becoming "We" Instead of    

      Forensics fosters an appreciation for diversity; it embraces the
      unique qualities, characteristics, and talents that individual
      participants bring to the activity. Yet rarely does a forensics
      competitor attend a tournament as a single entry; instead,
      most students compete as a member of a larger group - a
      team. Review >

BlueBlockSm "Building Your Leadership Team: Value Systems,
      Memetics, and Education — A Spiral Dynamics

      Education in this Third Millennium will face challenges far
      greater then the ones the operational models of the 20th
      century prepared its leaders to handle. Review >

BlueBlockSm "Functions of team building"
      It is conventional to bemoan the gap between theory and
      practice. But perhaps our definition of theory is one which only
      poorly fits practice. Review >


BlueBlockSm "Leading a Great Team: Building Them From the Ground
      Up, Fixing Them on the Fly"

      When leaders are asked if they know which teams are doing
      well and which are doing poorly, they can usually identify
      them. In fact, most team members of poorly operating teams
      can sense that condition as a part of ongoing team dynamics.
      Review >


BlueBlockSm "Teambuilding and Transactional Analysis (T.A.)"
      Transactional analysis (T.A.) is a model for understanding
      human personality, relationships and communication. It was
      developed by Eric Berne and has been growing from the
      1960’s. Review >

BlueBlockSm "Why Team Building Doesn't Work & How You CAN Build Your Team"
      Team Building proposes that it is possible to build trust and
     engender positive working relationships among people who. Review >

BlueBlockSm "The Team-Building Trap: Three Critical Elements in    
      Building Strong Teams."

      What is the trap? It’s putting your staff through team-building
      sessions that don’t produce any lasting results. Teambuilding
      activities don’t build teams. Review >

BlueBlockSm "Team Building Events for Staff: Are They Just Play or Do
      They Pay?"

      An investigation into the evaluation of team building
      interventions. Review >

Teamwork is the critical factor for achieving success as a team. Small groups and organizations today expect people to work together to achieve common goals. Many of the benefits of teamwork including building relationships, enhancing productivity, cutting cuts, sharing new ideas, and brainstorming.