Precision Management Institute

Peak Performance

Zone of Excellence:

Tied to Greatness:

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Greatness Quotes and Sayings:

National Strength and Conditioning Association:
Be the best you can be when your best is needed

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BlueBlockBig Excellence
          Being the best

Tools & Resources

BlueBlockSm "As a Man Thinketh"
      The aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," not
      only embraces the whole of a man's being, but is so
      comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and
      circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his
      character being the complete sum of all his thoughts. Review >

BlueBlockSm "Peak Performance Every Time"
      Motivation is the engine. It is sometimes known as `drive'. It
      will provide us with the power and energy that we need. Review >

BlueBlockSm "How to Achieve Peak Performance"
      Peak performance is a phase, which consists of many      
      elements coming together all at once. It provides the most
      exhilarating experience one might have. The various
      components involving this eclipse consists of three major
      states. The first one addresses the mental focus and
      emotions. The second one analyzes anxiety and arousal
      periods, and the last one involves the active visualization
      process. Review >


BlueBlockSm "Peak Performance: Success in College and Beyond."
      The sixth edition of Peak Performance: Success in College
      and Beyond has been thoroughly updated and refined based on
      the many helpful comments and suggestions of adopters and
      reviewers of the previous edition. Review >


BlueBlockSm "Performance Excellence Program (PEP): Goal Setting

      Paving the Way for Peak Performance - This program ties the
      employee's performance to the overall performance of the
      organization and helps the employee feel valued as a member
      of the ACC team.  Review >

BlueBlockSm "Performance Playbook: Fueling the Mind for Peak    

      The mental preparation of an athlete can be the difference
      between winning and losing. While winning should not be the
      only goal, it does play a part in a coach’s job. In addition to
      making their players better athletes, coaches have the job of
      making players better people.  Review >

The process of experiencing excellence in any activity requires an unmatched commitment. It takes hard work, proper preparation, and effective planning. However, the benefits of achieving peak performance positions people to excel at a higher level.