"Facts about Abstinence Education"
A recent report published by the Heritage
Foundation states that when adolescents are
educated regarding abstinence and consequently
pledge to maintain their virginity, they
have lower rates of out of wedlock births.
Review >
"Teaching Integrity to Youth"
Education is central to preventing corruption.
Even clear laws and regulations and well-
designed institutions will not be able to prevent
corruption, unless citizens actively
demand accountability from government and
Review >
"Developing a Community Consensus for Teaching
The old paternalistic consensus, with the same
values espoused in home, church, and
school, has disappeared; but pluralistic
Baltimore County, Maryland, achieved agreement
on a common core of values to be taught in its
public schools.
Review >
"Religion in the Public School Curriculum"
Study about religion is also
important if students are to value religious liberty, the first
freedom guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
Moreover, knowledge of the roles of religion in
the past and present promotes cross-cultural
understanding essential to democracy and
world peace.
Review >